Category Trials

Precision Medicine

Precision medicine is a medical approach that uses information about a person's genes, their mutations and other biological data (such as biomarkers) as well as lifestyle habits for the purpose of preventing, diagnosing or treating a disease.
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Clinical Trials

Medical practice is based on preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, whose efficacy (benefits) and safety (absence of unwanted effects) must be proven through rigorous medical research. While pre-clinical research is medical research carried out in a laboratory, without direct patient involvement and is aimed at collecting preliminary safety and efficacy data, clinical research involves people in so called “clinical studies” and is aimed at evaluating efficacy and safety of therapeutic interventions in the clinical setting.
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Basket of Baskets trials

“Basket Trials” are a new type of clinical studies focused on the treatment of cancer patients carrying a specific mutation, but for which cancer location or type may be different.
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Informed Consent Process

In order to decide whether to take part in a clinical trial, a person should receive all the information regarding the trial by the doctor and should be given enough time to ask questions and think about the proposal. In order to express the consent to participate in the trial, the person must sign an informed consent form.
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